10th Japan-China Bilateral Symposium
on High Temperature Strength of Materials
Sponsored by
The Committee on High Temperature Strength of Materials,
the Society of Materials Science, Japan
The High Temperature Strength and Materials Committee
Society of Materials, Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society

October 25-29, 2019
Kagoshima University Kagoshima, Japan
  • October 25: Reception
  • October 26-29: Symposium & Technical Tour

What's New

"Final" Technical program is uploaded. "Go to the page" NEW
Program is updated. "Go to the page"
Venue information (Map&Access) is uploaded. "Go to the page"
"Welcome reception" & "Conference dinner" information is uploaded. "Go to the page"
"Technical tour" plan is updated. "Go to the page"
Program is updated. "Go to the page"
Tentative Program is updated. "Go to the page"
Tentative technical tour plan is updated. "Go to the page"
Tentative Program is updated. "Go to the page"
Tentative technical tour plan is updated. "Go to the page"
Recommended Hotel List is uploaded. "Go to the page"
Tentative Program is uploaded. "Go to the page"
Tentative technical tour plan is uploaded. "Go to the page"
Registration form is uploaded. "Go to the page"
Manuscript instructions are uploaded. "Go to the page"
Manuscript submission address for Chinese side is revised. "Go to the page"
Abstract deadline is extended. 
Abstract deadline is extended. 
The homepage was renewed.